What is the nomination process?
- Nominators: Mentors or faculty who work closely with the student.
- Letters of support: Three letters of support are required, one of which is from the nominating faculty member.
- To nominate a student:
- Download the Nomination Form and review criteria for specific awards. The Overview page provides additional background and the focus of each award, to help guide your nomination packets.
- Compile one completed nomination form (nominee and nominating faculty member together), all letters of support (three total), and any other supporting materials as one single PDF.
- The nominator should send the nomination electronically from a WSU email in a single pdf (including supporting letters) by 5:00 pm on Monday, February 26 to Erin Hvizdak (erin.hvizdak@wsu.edu).
- 2024 Nomination Form: Download here
Who is eligible?
- Full- and part-time students in good standing are eligible.
- The Harriett B. Rigas Award
- Doctoral and Professional students graduating in Fall 2023 or Spring or Summer 2024
- The AFW Founders’ Award
- Masters students graduating in Fall 2023 or Spring or Summer 2024
- The Karen DePauw Leadership Award
- PhD and Ed.D. candidates in good standing who have successfully passed preliminary examination and have a GPA of at least 3.5.
- The Harriett B. Rigas Award
- Students may be nominated for only one of these awards in each cycle.
- Nominations are accepted up until the deadline
- For more specific information, please see the Overview page
When is the award announced?
- Awardees will be notified in mid-March and will receive their award virtually at a special recognition ceremony in April.
- Please address questions to Erin Hvizdak (erin.hvizdak@wsu.edu).
Thank you for supporting WSU Graduate students and making known their excellence!