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Association for Faculty Women KNona Liddel

KNona Liddel

Dr. KNona Liddell, Recipient of the 2004
Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award
from AFW

KNona Liddell
Dr. KNona Liddell was the 2004 recipient of AFW’s Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award.  The award was named after former WSU President Sam Smith to honor his efforts to promote women at WSU. It is presented annually to AFW members who have advanced the cause of women at WSU through their leadership.


AFW Dr. KNona C. Liddell, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, is recognized for advancing the role of women within Washington State University, outstanding leadership and service to the University, and professional excellence in the field of Chemical Engineering.

Dr. Liddell has been a member of the WSU faculty for 24 years.  During that time, she has been highly active in AFW, serving as its President in 1993-94 and again in 2004-05.   Her current presidency is enthusiastic and proactive, encouraging greater input by the membership in finding solutions to problems that have plagued female faculty for the past 30 years in gaining tenure, promotion and leadership positions at WSU.

Dr. Liddell’s leadership within the university community includes service on the Faculty Senate, serving on and chairing major Senate committees, chairing several Academic Program Review committees, and generously contributing service to her department and college.  Dr. Liddell has been an active teacher, advisor, mentor, and researcher in her discipline, publishing widely and presenting papers at national and international conferences and supporting the research efforts of both graduate and undergraduate students.  Her research specialty is electrodeposition of thin layer magnetic materials, novel methods for redox or electrode kinetics and mechanisms, electrosynthesis of conducting polymers, and mineral reactions and their environmental applications.

In all her endeavors, Dr. Liddell provides leadership that is highly collaborative and solicitous of broad input.  She is frank and direct in expressing her opinions, respectful of others’ opinions, and appreciative of multiple perspectives.  We are proud to have her as a colleague.


Barbara Hammond and KNona Liddell

KNona Liddell (right) with Barbara Hammond, Nomination Committee Chair (left).